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UREAG Sponsors Global Village Dialogue

The Under-Represented, Ethnic and Ability Group (UREAG) committee of CIES is sponsoring a Dialogue forum under the Global Village Dialogue to raise awareness of issues involving UREAG. The invited discussants will provide the springboard for understanding the issues involved in Under-Represented groups human development.

All CIES members are invited to join in the Dialogue, to listen and to learn from the invited speakers, and join as active participants in the Dialogue. Dates and speakers will be announced at a later date.

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CIES 2013 : New Orleans
Department of Educational Administration & Policy Studies (EAPS) in the School of Education at the University at Albany
Tel: 518-442-5054 Fax: 518-442-5084
E-mail: cies2013@gmail.com
Designed by Zhongchao Liu