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Educational Quality: Global Imperatives and Contested Visions

The idea of educational quality or quality education has become paramount worldwide. It is seen in the inclusion of 'quality' goals in all the major international education forums, in the sharpened focus on the content and outcomes of schooling in domestic educational agendas, and in the expanding profile of large-scale cross-national testing regimes and diverse global rankings. The concern for quality is conspicuous in scholarship, policy and practice at all levels of formal education and in relation to non-formal education. This year we will bring CIES members' diverse perspectives and insights to bear on the idea of educational quality--its contested definitions, competing visions and global imperatives.

Practitioners and researchers in the field of comparative and international education confront many questions that arise from the focus on quality. How is quality defined, promoted, monitored, evaluated and researched? What explains the prominence of quality issues in national, regional and global educational landscapes? Is quality education best conceived as the outcomes of schooling? In what ways does quality influence education's role in promoting economic, social and personal development? How do international rankings and competition influence current conceptions of quality? Which actors and groups act as drivers in the growing consensus on what counts as quality? What are the key differences among rival visions of quality? How do education reformers, administrators, teachers, students and families across the world attempt to enact new notions of educational quality in the field? Essential questions like these demand theoretical analysis, require empirical inquiry, and drive demands for innovation in practical applications.

In New Orleans we will address the exciting range of challenges posed by global discussions of educational quality imperatives. Considering these challenges provides an outstanding opportunity to learn from the community of CIES members engaged in research, reform and innovation across the world.

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CIES 2013 : New Orleans
Department of Educational Administration & Policy Studies (EAPS) in the School of Education at the University at Albany
Tel: 518-442-5054 Fax: 518-442-5084
E-mail: cies2013@gmail.com
Designed by Zhongchao Liu