- The Teacher Education and the Teaching Profession SIG facilitates dissemination of information and fosters dialogues about critical issues in teaching and teacher education from national and international perspectives. Teachers/teacher educators/researchers are given an opportunity and a framework for discourse on issues, concerns, and successes pertaining to teaching and the teaching profession in each country.
Co-chairperson: Do-Yong Park
Co-chairperson: Eurvine Williams
- The Teaching Comparative Education SIG brings together scholars and instructors of comparative and international education from around the world. It is dedicated to understanding and enhancing the contours of course work in the field and promoting comparative and international education in higher education.
- The Citizenship and Democratic Education SIG seeks to create an active community of educators and researchers, to share their views and encourage productive debate on various aspects of citizenship and democratic education, in the United States and around the world.
Co-chairperson: Heidi Biseth
Co-chairperson: David Zyngier
- The Cultural Contexts of Education and Human Potential SIG aims to make the case for the necessity of including the voices of individuals often unheard and to promote better understanding and learning between and about different groups. Moreover, it is also intended to demonstrate how the underutilization of the voices of different cultures has led to the underutilization of their potential.
Chairperson: Kassie Freeman
- The Early Childhood Development SIG seeks to foster exchange & strengthen linkages between ECD research and practice; help keep members abreast of new developments in the field; build linkages among various ECD networks nationally and internationally; prepare ECD thematic sessions at the next CIES conference.
Chairperson: Rhiannon Williams
Program Chairperson: Nawsheen Elaheebocus
- The Global Literacy SIG is organized around key issues in reading and writing instruction and assessment and larger issues and implications of literacy use throughout the world.
Co-chairperson: Babara Trudell
Co-chairperson: Lesley Bartlett
- The Globalization and Education SIG seeks to provide a forum where researchers and practitioners involved in global study of comparative and international education have meaningful conversations and exchanges of ideas related to globalization and education.
Chairperson: Stephen Carney
- The Higher Education SIG serves as a networking hub for promoting scholarship opportunities, critical dialogue, and linking professionals and academics to the international aspects of higher education.
Contact: James Jacob Williams
Contact: Val Rust
Contact: Jorge Enrique Delgado
- ICT4D (ICT for Development) is an outlet for members of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) to collaborate with, learn from, and create bonds that will heighten interest and research in this ever growing area.
Co-chairperson: Jayson Richardson
Co-chairperson: Jeffrey Lee
- The Inclusive Education SIG seeks to elicit the participation of scholars interested in educational issues specific to the multiple meanings of IE and, accordingly, to learners who are marginalized due to special educational needs. These might include: disabilities, second language acquisition, poverty, racial and ethnic discrimination, social exclusion, etc.
Chairperson: Florian Kiuppis
- The Indigenous Knowledge and the Academy SIG consists of CIES members, members of indigenous communities, and practitioners who want to dialogue about ways to develop alternative knowledge and how this can be used to interact with, and transform the academy.
Chairperson: Ladislaus Semali
- The Language Issues SIG is a network of researchers and practitioners working to understand the role of language(s) in education, as well as the role of the languages of instruction in differing, and often contentious, political and cultural contexts.
Chairperson: Alison Pflepsen
Treasurer: Kara Brown
Communications Chair: Rebecca Paulson
- The Peace Education SIG brings together members of the Comparative and International Education Society with common interests in the study of peace and conflict, human rights, and social justice in education.
Chairperson: Karen Ross
- The Education for Sustainable Development SIG aims to facilitate communication and partnerships among academia, community, industry, and policy makers, who are aware of and engaged in the concept of sustainability.
Chairperson: Oren Pizmony-Levy