International Travel Award for Distinguished Service in Educational Reform
We are pleased to announce the 2013 CIES International Travel Award for Distinguished Service in Educational Reform. The travel award was established through an endowment from George Soros and the Open Society Institute (OSI) and expanded under CIES president Ratna Ghosh to encourage distinguished researchers and practitioners from developing countries to participate in CIES conferences. Launched at the 2009 CIES conference, the endowment attempts to facilitate the participation of international education experts who serve in countries where international projects are implemented.
Several awards of $1,000 each will be awarded for the 2013 conference in New Orleans. Last year, fifteen grants were awarded, and we anticipate this year to be the same. Conference participants from developing countries with at least five (5) years of professional experience in educational development are eligible to apply. Some applicants may also wish to apply for the Under-Represented Ethnic and Ability Groups (UREAG) travel award, but are reminded that they cannot receive both awards.
Applicants must have submitted their CIES conference presentation abstract by October 26th, 2012 through the conference online submission system and a travel award application by December 7, 2012. Applicants who are selected for the travel award will receive $1,000 provided that their proposal has been accepted for presentation at the conference. The awardees will be notified by December 31, 2012. Awardees will be announced on the conference website as well as in the CIES Newsletter.
For information on how to apply for an International Travel Award and to access the application form please visit: Questions about the 2013 International Travel Award can be directed to
click here to download Application Form.