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How to advise governments wisely?
The secret virtues of cognitive neuroscience

Sunday, March 10. from 9 am to 5 pm.

Global Partnership for Education

Low-income countries have seen much progress toward universal primary education, but learning outcomes are limited. Limited time, lack of textbooks, and poorly educated teachers lead many poor students to chronic illiteracy and early dropout. It is important for the international donor community to find the fastest path to results. What body of research can be used to overcome dysfunctional environments and bring basic skills to the kids?

Cognitive neuroscience can guide policy advice towards effective student instruction and teacher training. The workshop will present the applicable neurocognitive concepts through simplified illustrations. The presentations will use many videoclips taken during World Bank missions around the world. There will be plenty of exercises drawn from real-life examples. Interested in international positions? Do not miss this workshop!

Topics to be covered:

- Cognitive psychology essentials for education: memory functions, automaticity, formation of cognitive networks. Use in determining the effectiveness of various teaching methods. Which variables matter the most in instruction? What to watch for when you visit schools?

- Instructional time use and wastage; rationale, measurement, instructional importance

- Teacher training issues: - An overview of the human reward system and teacher motivation
Observational learning and innovative teacher training programs;

- The basics of reading from a psychological perspective: Perceptual learning, working memory requirements, automaticity, the effects of phonics vs. more complex methods. Scripts of the world and their requirements for learning

- Efficient textbooks for the poor: evidence from psychological and educational research useful for optimizing textbooks for beginning reading and math; an overview of publication, costing, printing, and governance issues related to textbooks

- Math basics: How the brain creates math, and related instructional implications

Contact the workshop leaders for questions:

Workshop leaders, Global Partnership for Education, c/o World Bank

Helen Abadzi, Senior Education Specialist (habadzi@worldbank.org)

Aglaia Zafeirakou, Senior Education Specialist (azafeirakou@worldbank.org)

Deepa Srikantaiah, Education Specialist, dsrikantaiah@worldbank.org

Koli Banik, Education Specialist, kbanik@worldbank.org

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CIES 2013 : New Orleans
Department of Educational Administration & Policy Studies (EAPS) in the School of Education at the University at Albany
Tel: 518-442-5054 Fax: 518-442-5084
E-mail: cies2013@gmail.com
Designed by Zhongchao Liu