Chair's Role and Responsibilities:
Chairs are responsible for the overall planning and execution of their session and to facilitate the sessions' success.
Before the session, chairs are expected to contact any discussants to begin a conversation about shaping the session.
During the session, chairs are expected to orient the audience to the session. In addition, chairs are required to:
(1) Begin the session by introducing the participants before their presentations and provide brief introductory remarks about the subject matter,
(2) Manage the time for each presenter and discussant,
(3) Facilitate the question and answer period at the end of the session,
(4) Adjourn the session in time to allow the room to be available for the next presentations.
Before the session, chairs are expected to contact any discussants to begin a conversation about shaping the session.
Discussant's Role and Responsibilities: Discussants serve as commentators on the papers presented and provide substantive points pertaining to them.
They are responsible for providing professional and constructive criticism and raising issues for broader consideration during the session as a way to connect the papers presented. A discussant may draw upon his or her expertise or views in commenting on papers or presentations.