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Professor Rangachar Govinda to deliver the 2013 Mertz-Gilmore Foundation Lecture
Dr. Govinda
The The CIES 2013 conference organizing committee is proud to announce that Professor Rangachar Govinda, will deliver the 2013 Mertz-Gilmore Foundation Lecture. In line with our theme: "Educational Quality: Global Imperatives and Contested Visions", Dr. Govinda will address the discussion about "Quality-Equality Conundrum and Sustainable Development: Reflections on Indian Education".

In this keynote lecture Dr. Govinda will highlight the need for adopting a broader definition of quality that incorporates concerns of inequality and exclusion in education in order to be in harmony with sustainable development goals. Professor Govinda will explore this idea in the context of Indian education. In particular his argument will be made about pursuing the goals of sustainable development and quality education for all from the perspective of 'basic human rights'. This again is considered important in India as growth-centric economic liberalization has tended to exacerbate existing inequalities in Indian society, in general and in education in particular which, in turn, obstructs evolving shared values and a common world view, essential for sustainable development.

About our keynote speaker

Prof. R. Govinda is Vice Chancellor of National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi. Previously he has worked in the Institute of Education, University of London, M.S. University of Baroda and International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP), UNESCO. He is a member of several national and international bodies. He is on the editorial board of the 'Global Monitoring Report' for 'Education for All'; is a Consultant Fellow to International Bureau of Education; member of the Central Advisory Board of Education; and member of the National Advisory Committee on Right to Education of Government of India. His research interests include primary education and literacy, decentralized management, program evaluation, and reforms in higher education. He has published widely on these issues in several books and journals. Oxford University Press has recently published another book by him entitled "Who goes to School Exploring Exclusion in Indian Education".

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CIES 2013 : New Orleans
Department of Educational Administration & Policy Studies (EAPS) in the School of Education at the University at Albany
Tel: 518-442-5054 Fax: 518-442-5084
E-mail: cies2013@gmail.com
Designed by Zhongchao Liu